
Thursday, April 21, 2011

Hello T/ T is for Triangle - 4/21/11

We had to get right into preschool work today because we had a busy day out planned. We started with the Jumbo Cuisenaire Rods. They used them to make structures and art shapes, but also indulged me in making the staircase too for practice. Freddie assured me he couldn't do it, and I assured him he could. Turned out I was right :).  Flossie didn't play with them today.

I introduced Letter T today. We worked with the HWT materials and also the Tot School Letter T writing worksheets. I also put out the Montessori Triangle shapes for drawing/handwriting practice.
Letter T is so easy to write that they had no problem at all with any of this work.

While Jem watched a video on Praying Matids for his insect study, Freddie and Flossie searched for the Letters L, B and T with the Letter tiles and did an Evan-Moor Take It To Your Seat Center on shape sorting to go with our triangle them for the day. Both enjoyed the center but struggled with drawing the shapes as required by the follow up worksheet. Age-appropriate and interesting to see.  I wonder if the Montessori shape drawing will make any difference there?

After all this work, it was time for me to get everything ready for our afternoon at the sprinkler park, so the kids played with playdoh while I got everything together. Then we headed out for lunch with Gramps and afterwards, some fun at the sprinkler park. We got home in time for late naps and our day was done!

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